16 de março de 2009

Great Lake Swimmers

Moving Pictures Silent Films

Oh wake me please when this is over
Oh when the ice is melted away
And the hunger returnsI will be the same, but older
And maybe twice the bear
That I thought I was
Where have you been,
And what have you done?
I've been under the ground
Eating prayers from this old book I found
Under the ground
Saving it up, and spending it all
On moving pictures
Silent films
Moving pictures
Silent films
Or is this the dream I've been saving?
Oh where the heart beats slower and slower
To almost nothing
Almost nothing
Almost nothing
I took it for love
Or at least something beautiful
Out there in the spotlight
But I turned around suddenly,
Turned around squinting
And saw
That it was headlights
And then the truth, the truth was unbearable
Oh, and imminent
Bearing down on these two shadow animals
Caught painting a dotted line
Caught painting a dotted line
Caught painting a dotted line
Where have you been?
And what have you done?
I've been under the ground
Eating in prayers from this old book I found
Under the ground
Saving it up
And spending it all
On moving pictures
Silent films
Moving pictures
Silent films

(Post Scriptum. uma banda para o Moinhos)

11 de março de 2009

Código de Barras

Bar Code Revolution é uma empresa Japonesa especialista em criar códigos de barras. Imaginação não falta.

8 de março de 2009

O que se pode dizer à dor?
Deixar que as lembranças falem por si.

Tia, obrigada por tudo.

6 de março de 2009


O besouro rinoceronte (Oryctes rhinoceros) é o mais forte de todos os animais. Vive na América do Sul. Este insecto surpreendente pode erguer 850 vezes o seu próprio peso. Se fossemos tão fortes como este besouro, poderíamos erguer três elefantes - um peso equivalente a 12 toneladas.

4 de março de 2009